Free Resource

Build Motivation & Increase Competence of Your Team Members with the Dynamic Leadership Guide.


In leading others – one style does not fit all people or all situations.

Do you lead a diverse team with various competencies and motivations?

Are you a new or emerging leader and want to understand how to adapt your approach so it suits your people and their circumstances?

Have you ever spent time reflecting on your own preferred style?  Or do you work for a boss and would like to receive a different style of leading and mentoring?

When you understand how to motivate and increase competence of your team, then you can adjust your level of leadership involvement based on their needs.

As an employee or team member, do you understand your own motivation and competence and do you know how to ask your leaders for what you need? This tool is a conversation starter in understanding where people are at and helps each one focus on key areas to move them closer to success. It can also be a starting point for a performance growth plan as you will mutually have a snapshot of areas to enhance.

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