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View New Opportunities & Challenges Using A Different Approach With The Six Thinking Hats Plus 1 Guide.


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View New Opportunities & Challenges Using A Different Approach With The Six Thinking Hats Plus 1 Guide.


Do you ever wonder how someone came up with an idea that you hadn’t thought of?

Do you know people who can discern challenges before they happen?

What about those people who just seem to be calm in the chaos even when no answers are available?

It may be that they are just wearing a different hat than you are and have a preference for a different way of thinking. This tool describes the “Six thinking hats” first shared by Edward de Bono. To add to his ideas, I have included a 7th hat, the “spiritual intelligence” hat to add to our thinking and wisdom.

This tool is great for leaders and teams who are stuck in “group thinking” or are at the beginning or middle of a project and realize they don’t have all the puzzle pieces. Practice using this tool by “switching hats” to help view other opportunities and challenges using different approaches.

Do you ever wonder how someone came up with an idea that you hadn’t thought of?

Do you know people who can discern challenges before they happen?

What about those people who just seem to be calm in the chaos even when no answers are available?

It may be that they are just wearing a different hat than you are and have a preference for a different way of thinking. This tool describes the “Six thinking hats” first shared by Edward de Bono. To add to his ideas, I have included a 7th hat, the “spiritual intelligence” hat to add to our thinking and wisdom.

This tool is great for leaders and teams who are stuck in “group thinking” or are at the beginning or middle of a project and realize they don’t have all the puzzle pieces. Practice using this tool by “switching hats” to help view other opportunities and challenges using different approaches.

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By signing up you also agree to join my leadership community. I’ll only send you relevant content and offers – and I promise not too often. (I’m not a fan of incessant emails.) I’ll never sell your email address. (I don’t like that either.) You can easily unsubscribe when you wish. Thanks for joining me.