I Won’t Die With the Music Still in Me – Launching my Spiritual Intelligence Series

I Won’t Die With the Music Still in Me – Launching my Spiritual Intelligence Series

I won’t die with the music still in me – Launching my Spiritual Intelligence series. Drawing inspiration from Wayne Dyer’s timeless advice, “Don’t die with the music still in you,” I am introducing a 21-day blog series Exploring Spiritual...
Winners or losers at work: Competition or contribution?

Winners or losers at work: Competition or contribution?

Winners or losers at work: Competition or contribution? Leaders and teams: Are you losing the game of competition or winning the game of contribution at work? What kinds of game do you play at work? Do you have a lot of competition? Who is keeping score? Do you know...
Transformational leadership: Courage to be kind thru spiritual intelligence

Transformational leadership: Courage to be kind thru spiritual intelligence

Leaders, do you know that transformational leadership requires the courage to be kind to those who report to you? Yes, courage. Or – does fear and need to grip onto your role and status uproot any courage, compassion and wisdom in your leadership? What would...