Awareness of the interconnectedness of life: or the glaring myth of independence – Spiritual Intelligence Skill 6

Can you hold awareness of the interconnectedness of life or do you grasp at the glaring myth of independence? Spiritual Intelligence Skill #6 is having an awareness of the interconnectedness of life.

Interconnectedness is a vast idea. I can only skim the surface here.

Most of the world’s problems emerge from a false individualism and the myth that we are independent. That myth comes from ego.

Spirituality [spiritual intelligence] is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion” (Brown, 2017).

We are interdependent, interconnected and built for community (even those of us with a preference for introversion!)  We are not only interdependent with each other but with all other aspects of nature.

Are you able to recognize the interconnectedness in your own life?

We can consider interconnectedness at a surface level and the immediately understandable. Or we can explore it at quantum, energetic and spiritual levels.

Think about life as a billiard table – even if you only hit one ball, you are affecting the entire table and every next move. Whatever you shoot, sink, or leave in play affects your next move and others.

Consider what ecologists and environmentalists know and others are finally realizing: We are interconnected to the planet. Even small shifts can make dramatic changes. A delicate balance sustains life on earth as we know it (or knew it). Can we make tiny shifts for the better?

Quantum physics has demonstrated that particles are entangled across vast distances, suggesting a profound interconnectedness at the most fundamental levels of life and energy.

I often think about the interconnectedness we have to our past and our origins – how we came to be and the influences that make us who we are.  (Epigentics and neuroscience researchers are exploring fascinatingthemes in this area.)

Certain indigenous cultures have a tradition of considering decisions based on the impact they will have in 7 generations hence.

Wise thinking.

Our interconnectedness can be felt through the concept of resonance and dissonance (Senge, 2006). These terms originate in the sphere of music but have applicability to relationships and leadership. When we acknowledge we are interconnected we can also aim to be resonant with others, meaning we are vibrating in a positive frequency, and – while not identical – we can be in tune and in harmony with others. Dissonance on the other hand is harsh, unstable and sends out a grating energy.

You know it when you feel it. Harmony and disharmony is evidence of our interconnectedness.

How do you resonate?

It matters.

When we pause often enough to remember our interconnectedness we can have a reverence and respect for all life. If we accept that our choices have ripple effects that extend far beyond ourselves, and even our time, that awareness draws us toward responsibility, stewardship, empathy, compassion and – hopefully – wisdom.

On a spiritual and spiritually intelligent level we can also treasure the idea of being connected to God, or the divine. As Cindy Wigglesworth suggests, “at its highest level spiritual intelligence asks that we believe our universe is both interconnected and intelligent” (Wigglesworth, 2012).

How do you experience the interconnectedness of life? Please share!

A few quick ideas to cultivate your awareness:Meditation

  • Mindfulness
  • Prayer focused on others
  • Play or listen to sacred music
  • Silence
  • Watch the stars at night – imagine who else on the planet sees the same stars – who saw the same stars in history and who will stargaze when you can’t see anymore?

If you want to explore how SQ can support your life or leadership please contact me for a chat!


Brown, B. (2017). Rising strong: How the ability to reset transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead (2017 Random House trade paperback edition). Random House.

Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization (Rev. and updated). Doubleday/Currency.

Wigglesworth, C. (2012). SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence. BookBaby.


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